Statement from the Superintendent: Traffic Incident at London

December 6, 2024

Topic: Updates

Dear CCSD21 Parents and Guardians,

This morning, a serious pedestrian-involved traffic incident with injuries occurred at London Middle School during student drop-off. This incident occurred despite London faculty and staff performing their regular supervision and two Wheeling Police officers on campus directing traffic.

Unfortunately, we have observed an increased amount of unsafe driving behaviors at all of our school sites during student drop-off and pick-up. There have been a number of “near misses,” such as distracted driving, a disregard of staff direction, and other traffic-related conflicts. These adult behaviors endanger the safety of our students, staff, and families.

I implore all who are driving to our schools to take care to slow down, adhere to all traffic laws, avoid distracted driving, follow the drop-off and pick-up procedures of each school, and respect the direction of district staff and law enforcement.

We have a responsibility as adults and drivers in our community to ensure that our children are kept safe as they travel to and from school each day, and no family should need to endure the trauma of a traffic-related incident when they send their child to school.  

Thank you for your attention and cooperation to this important issue.  


Dr. Michael Connolly